Service To The Owner


By servicing your property as an MLS Listing we provide you with a single point of contact (your Real Estate Advisor) and access to a network of over 400 certified agents who proactively present your property to a high volume of clients, which increases your exposure and guarantees a closing in a shorter period of time. In addition, your Real Estate Advisor is constantly interacting with the market, which allows him/her to advise you on adjustments to be made during the promotion, always looking out for your best interests.


Our experience and proven results are our best business card, the median number of days to close a property under MLS Listings since its activation is 65 days for rentals and 56 days for sales. As a result of our counseling since the evaluation of the property, during the promotion process and through our pro-active marketing program, we were able to close 71% of the properties serviced under MLS Listings.
  • Source: Statistics obtained from residential properties serviced under MLS Listing in the District of Panama and San Miguelito, during the period 2017.



Determining the correct market price is a fundamental factor for the effectiveness of the sale or rental of your property. We have comparative variables of recent closings and experience in the management of other properties served that allow us to advise you to determine the correct value of your property, thus decreasing the time of execution and increasing the probability of closing.

Properties serviced as MLS Listings are incorporated into our innovative marketing program that includes a combination of print media, online media, our property showcase, and direct contact with clients and brokers. This allows for broad exposure of the property to a high volume of potential clients, which reduces the average closing time of the properties we service.


Once the interested parties have been identified, your Real Estate Advisor will take the necessary steps to achieve the best possible closing conditions and we will support you during the entire process from the signing of the contract until the transfer is concluded; the following are some of the tasks we perform:
Negotiation of the Proposals.

  • Verification of the credit references of those interested in renting the property through the APC (Panamanian Credit Association) service.

  • Preparation of the Promise of Purchase and Sale Contract.

  • Processing the Payment of Transfer Tax and Capital Gain.

  • Processing the issuance of Paz y Salvos (Property, Condominium, and IDAAN).

  • Monitoring of the closing process until the registration of the Purchase and Sale at the Public Registry.

  • Handing over the property to the new owner.
  • By activating your property under the MLS Listing, we evaluate if the information in the Cadastre and the MEF is up to date, which saves time when starting the closing process.


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Ricardo Cabaleiro es el ejemplo de un ejecutivo capaz y responsable, que atiende todos los detalles de la relación para asegurar que todo salga de la mejor forma.

Ramón R.

Gabriel Illescas era el agente inmobiliario al que le debo haber encontrado el apartamento de mis sueños en la ciudad de Panamá. Desde mi reunión inicial con él, fue atento, profesional y, sobre todo, un buen oyente.
Yo tenía una buena idea del tipo de propiedad que estaba buscando, y él "acertó" cuando después de un tiempo muy razonable, encontró el tipo de apartamento y el barrio, y me dijo: "Marc, baja". a Panamá, estoy seguro de que he encontrado el apartamento que estabas buscando".
Nunca dudé de su buen juicio y programé un vuelo de Chicago a la ciudad de Panamá para verlo.
Tenía toda la razón. El proceso de compra del apartamento, una vez tomada la decisión, fue fácil y directo.
Cada vez que tenía una pregunta, ¡siempre estaba disponible!
¡El Sr. Illescas es verdaderamente el "agente inmobiliario de sus sueños"!

Marc O.

Chris Frochaux has been taking care of selling my house few months ago and I have been pleased by his services. Chris is a reliable person which is not easy to find. He is professional, charming and is a good listener to all the needs a seller can face. He is having an excellent network which can be useful and I felt secured between his hands all along the long process of sales in a foreign country. Thank you and I wish him and his team plenty of success.

Tamara D

Hasta el momento, mi experiencia con la compañía Servmor Realty ha sido 100% satisfactoria. Todo el staff ha sido muy diligente en la obtención de los resultados y respuestas a las inquietudes. Especial mención para Rodrigo Arauz. Él ha dedicado un tremendo esfuerzo en que nuestra propiedad fuera alquilada y ha dado seguimiento de todas las normas para que esta relación de negocios se lleve de forma positiva. Rodrigo siempre ha estado accesible para cualquier consulta y se ha mostrado muy profesional y honesto. Recomiendo su asesoría. Una vez más, kudos también para todo el equipo con los cuales he tenido interacción.

William P.

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