We operate in a location of high tourist and commercial traffic, at the main entrance of Megapolis Outlets Panama on Balboa Avenue, Panama City. We have the largest team of real estate consultants in Panama and a trained organization, updated in real estate issues and with a high level of innovation, dynamism and cutting edge tools, committed to offer a quality service, creating lifelong relationships with our clients, with transparent advice and a pro-active marketing program in various media to expose as much as possible the inventory represented.
Active members of REALTORS®, PANAMCHAM, Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Panama and the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama. We are part of ACOBIR, being the company with the largest inventory of properties represented and the highest number of closings since the creation of the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) in 2012, obtaining annual recognitions, the most recent being the Company with the Highest Sales Volume and Company with the Highest Number of Closed Units in 2017.
- Leaders in Real Estate since 2000.
- Proven experience with over 2,000
closings and over $500 Million sold.
- Member of the largest network in the world with
130,000 brokers in 65 countries.
- 150+ Properties Serviced in Administration.
- More than 20 global awards.
- Strategically located at the entrance of the Multicentro.
- More than 10,000 followers on social networks.
- Closed 71% of MLS inventory served.
- Team of more than 35 people with bilingual, trained and
bilingual, trained, and licensed agents.
- Pro-active marketing, your property in more than 50
50+ portals.
Servmor Realty, in a voluntary and active way, seeks social, economic and environmental improvement in our community by supporting foundations such as Asociación Pro Niñez Panameña, Las Olimpiadas Especiales, Operación Sonrisa and Fas Panamá. Our main contribution is to the Asociación Pro Niñez Panameña, with whom we contribute on a monthly basis in the feeding of students, construction, and improvement of schools, promoting better opportunities and probabilities for children so that they can be protagonists of their own development. We also make another important contribution to Fas Panama by donating a large amount of office waste material for recycling, such as paper, newspapers, cardboard, plastics, etc.
The Diamond Award is a recognition of excellence, commitment, and compliance with pre-established goals within Servmor Realty and the real estate sector, which is why it is presented once a year, giving space and recognition to our best advisors.
Their effort and dedication always go beyond their responsibilities, in Servmor Realty one of our main premises is that they feel us as a good friend, is to achieve a relationship that lasts over time, and for this reason, we always thank our customers to refer us to their friends.
This recognition is a differentiating element within the real estate industry, being recognized with a Diamond Award gives the advisor a superior credibility with their clients.

In addition and by invitation, we became part of the elite Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™ global network of more than 4,600 offices and 130,000 real estate advisors, who produce more than any other real estate brokerage network worldwide. This partnership allows us to proactively promote the inventory of properties we service and have access to cutting-edge tools.