Since the beginning of our trajectory in the year 2000, we have received a great number of national and international recognitions, which are due to the quality of our work and dedication to offer a service of quality and excellence to our clients.
Among these awards we can mention the following:
Year 2000.
- Pioneers in the opening of the Century 21 System in Panama. Century 21.
Year 2005.
- Centurión Office. Century 21.
Year 2006.
- Centurion Office. Century 21.
Year 2007.
- Centurion Office. Century 21.
Year 2008.
- Centurion Office. Century 21.- Office #1 in Points and Sides within the Century 21 Central America System during the period 2007. Century 21.
Year 2010.
- Centurion Office. Century 21.
Year 2015.
- Best ILM process and response time. 2014 Annual Performance Award nomination - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- Website quality certification by LeadingRE. Annual Performance Award Nominess 2014 - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- Member with the most residential sales 2014. MLS Awards.
Year 2017.
- 1st Place in the Interactive Media category. Marketing Contest 2016 - Annual Performance Award Nominess - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- 3rd Place in the Video category. Marketing Contest 2016 - Annual Performance Award Nominess - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- Nomination for Best ILM Process and Response Time. Marketing Contest 2016 - Annual Performance Award Nominess - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- Member with the highest sales volume 2016. MLS Awards.
Year 2018.
- 1st Place in the Interactive Media category. Marketing Contest 2017 - Annual Performance Award Nominess - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- 3rd Place in the Company Brand and Property Advertising category. Marketing Contest 2017 - Annual Performance Award Nominess - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- Honorable mention in the Brand Builder category. Marketing Contest 2017 - Annual Performance Award Nominess - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- 3rd place in the Best LeadingRE Branding Award category. Web Awards - Annual Performance Award Nominess - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- Recognition as a Global Alliance Club Member. - Annual Performance Award Nominess - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- President's Service Award in the Service Recognition Awards - Annual Performance Award Nominess - Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™.
- Member with highest units closed 2017 and Member with highest sales volume 2017. MLS Awards.