Jenny Becerra

I have been a broker for 18 years, specializing as a Commercial Broker and
Investments Consultant. I started in real estate as part of the team of one of the main and most recognized franchises worldwide as it is Century21, obtaining throughout my career great national and international awards and developed a vast experience thanks to my collaboration in the other organizations with which I have had the opportunity to work, as well as the constant training I have undergone to guarantee my clients excellent advice based on the credibility and commitment that characterize me and the broad knowledge focused on the reality of the real estate market in our region.
My main objective is to attend and cover the needs and real estate requirements of my clients, ensuring to provide solutions with which they feel supported in their transactions. I am an active member of ACOBIR (ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BROKERS IN PANAMA) and of NAR (NATIONAL ASSOCIATE REALTOR).
Alquilo Local Céntrico En La Gran Estación
Apartamento Alquilado para Venta
Torre La Cresta Totalmente Remodelado de 4 Rec
Apartamento en Pacific Village
Oficina Amoblada en Habitats Plaza
Apartamento Parkside Costa del Este
Apartamento en Obarrio PH The Milenium
Realmente el Alquiler de la Ejecutiva Jenny Becerra fue "outstanding", muy bueno y sobre todo profesional. Siempre estuvo atenta con un sentido y orientación a cerrar el negocio. Todas la necesidades o requisitos entre mi empresa y los que el arrendador podría ofrecer, estuvo siempre buscando el mejor balance entre las partes. Esto dice mucho de una profesional de bienes raíces como lo es la Lic. Becerra y de una empresa como Servmor Realty. En una palabra, muy complacido del servicio brindado.